Thursday, March 1, 2012


Oh wow!  That is really all I can say right now about our experience doing immunizations on Tuesday.  Audrey was due for her kindergarten shots and check up and Ava has been a little behind with her immunizations so we tried to catch her up and have a check up at the same time.  I figured that Ava would probably be a little challenging, but I would have Audrey to help out and she always does such a good job.  I was totally wrong!  Audrey was very nervous for her shots but I told her we would go out for ice cream after and it would be just fine.  After having her urine tested, her vision checked and being weighed she was feeling pretty good about things.  Then the nurse pricked her finger without any warning took some blood and wow, there were lots of tears!!  She cried for quite a while, and it was loud crying, which of course made Ava cry and we were just having such a fun time.  Haha.  I just did not have the heart to tell Audrey that that was not her shots, those were still coming.  So the doctor checked up on her and Ava, and they are both doing very well.  They are both inthe 40th percentile for both weight and height.  I was surprised because Audrey is usually on the smaller end for weight and Ava has always been much higher, but I guess they are both evening out.  Too bad Ava is still in the 90th percentile for her head.  Oh well, she'll grow into it right?  Good thing she is just so cute!  Anyways, when the nurse came back in I had to finally tell Audrey that she still had to have her shots and that started the crying all over again.  The poor girl was pretty much scared to death!  So she sat up on the table and I had to hold her legs still with my legs, hold both of her hands together with my hands, and hold Ava still on my hip.  One nurse is telling me to hold tighter to her arms, and the other one is telling me hold tighter to Ava so she doesn't get in the way, meanwhile of course both girls are screaming bloody murder, and I couldn't help but laugh because the situation was so humorous.  Not to say I did not feel sympathy for Audrey, because I know getting shots are no fun, but seriously she is so dramatic.  I have never had problems with her getting shots before, she is always great, but it is all in her head, and if she gets something in her head then there is no changing the way she feels about it.  Ava had her shots next and did much better, even with Audrey continuing to scream her head off.  I am sure she scared every child that was there in that doctors office, and I am sure they could all hear her.  We finally got dressed and were able to leave.  I just wanted to get out of there, but Audrey insisted on continuing the dramatics all the way to the car.  She limped along and took tiny little baby steps and the tears continued to flow.  We were able to meet Nate at Wendy's for lunch where she had ice cream before her meal and that seemed to make everything better!  However, it is now Thursday and there is one remaining band-aid left on her arm which no one is allowed to touch and I pray that it comes off soon because while it remains it continues to bring back painful memories for Audrey and we all have to relive that terrible experience all over again!


  1. That is funny to me, because I have totally been there and done that. I had all 4 kids at the Dr. 2 of them for well child checks and the other 2 for a flu shot, and Ally cried harder and longer than all of the other 3 combined! She bawled for at least a half an hour! And there I was carrying a screaming baby in the carseat and Ally was crying, Logan had plopped himself down on the sidewalk and refused to move because I wasn't carrying him too and then there was Olivia, running through the parking completely oblivious...People must have looked at me and thought, 'have you lost your mind woman, you know what causes that don't you?' I have to chuckle when I look back though. Motherhood is full of humor in hindsight. :)

  2. They didn't warn christopher about the finger prick either & he kept trying to get away & cried. of course I wasn't helping 'its ok, they just need your blood!' poor guy probably thought they wanted all of it.
